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Elections around the Corner

Elections around the Corner

The 2014 Harran Local Elections: 29-30 November

The residents of Harran city will be able to cast their vote in the upcoming city-wide elections. The results of the election will determine who will be the new Governor of the city of Harran, and the new members of the local Parliament. The voting will take place between the hours of 7am and 9pm at 97 specific polling stations located around the city. Below are the outlines of the two candidates political policies: the current Governor-in-charge Kamil Muthar and the opposition leader Erola Asani.

Erol Asani: No more tricks, time to tell the truth.

  • Encouraging cooperation between scientific insitiutions and local bussiness
  • Improving Harran's primary health care
  • Tourism development - building a pier and
  • Creating undeground parking spaces
  • Re-developing existing and creating new local sport facilities

Kamil Muthar: Continue the progress.

  • Organising GAG and using it to promote Harran worldwide
  • Further development of New Town's bussiness district
  • Introducing tax exemptions for new businesses
  • New Town re-development
  • Increase the number of places in city's public kindergartens
  • Introduction of Safe City project
  • Ensuring participation of members of public in city-planning schemes.